The effect of enzyme rich malt extract (ERME) on symptoms of chronic constipation

The effect of enzyme rich malt extract (ERME) on symptoms of chronic constipation

The effect of enzyme rich malt extract (ERME) on symptoms of chronic constipation: a pilot study.

Study status  – Recruiting


Constipation is a common condition, but there may be one or multiple causes, including age, diet, medications, and the gut microbiome i.e. types of bacteria living in the gut.

Enzyme-rich malt extract (ERME) is a by-product of the malting process in which the cereal grain barley is dried. The ingredients are 100% barley malt extract. It smells and tastes sweet, with a runny jam-like texture. Malt extract has been used as an ingredient in baking and cookery for many years, ERME is the same ingredients but uses a method which retains more active enzymes, such as amylase, which are able to break down carbohydrates.

Undigested carbohydrates can be fermented by the gut bacteria to produce gases and contribute to constipation. The effects of enzyme-rich malt extract on constipation are unknown, therefore, the aim of this study is to look at the effects of enzyme-rich malt extract on symptoms of chronic constipation.

Inclusion Criteria

To participate you must meet the following criteria:

  1.  Aged 18-80 years
  2. BMI of 18.5-34.9kg/m2 (bounds included)
  3. Have a diagnosis of chronic constipation
  4. Agree to adhere to the breath test preparation

Significant medical conditions, such as pregnancy or certain medications may exclude you from taking part in the study. Study eligibility will be assessed in more detail by a member of the research team before enrolment in the study.



Participant involvement

This study is 5 weeks in duration. During the first week participants will be asked to provide fasted breath samples, complete a bowel habit diary for 7 days and baseline questionnaires. For the next 4 weeks participants will continue with the bowel habit diary and be given an enzyme rich malt extract to take (1 tablespoon twice a day). At the end of the study you will be asked to provide further fasted breath samples and complete questionnaires.


Upon completion of the study, participants will receive £25 to compensate for their time.

Contact details 

Jordan Haworth –
